Social Responsibility

Legend Holdings has always strived to become a "trusted and respected" company, incorporated corporate social responsibility into the company's overall strategy, and actively participated in social welfare undertakings. The company focuses on systematic planning and long-term investment in areas such as "rural revitalization", "scientific and technological innovation" and "promoting righteousness ", fulfills social responsibilities with practical actions, and helps achieve common prosperity.

  • Social Welfare

  • Employee Care

  • ESG Report

Social Welfare

Rural Revitalization

——Talents Development——

Legend Enterprising Class

The "Legend Enterprising Class" public welfare education project was launched in 2004, mainly for underdeveloped areas. It has been providing study and living expenses support to high school students from low-income families, and helping them expand their horizons, cultivate correct values, and improve comprehensive qualities through a series of empowering training activities, making contributions to the revitalization of rural talents.

Since the launch of the project, Legend Holdings has successively initiated "Legend Enterprising Class" in Yanqing District in Beijing, Huining County in Gansu Province, Duyun City in Guizhou Province, Beichuan County in Sichuan Province, and Liupanshan in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and has helped more than 3,000 students, 2,500 of which have successfully entered university.

Timely assistanceFinancial support + characteristic services
  • The children were very excited to see the foreign teachers

  • "Legend Enterprising Class" dream trip to Hangzhou Asian Games

  • "Legend Enterprising Class" dream trip to the West Lake in Hangzhou

  • Career planning lecture

  • Students enthusiastically raised their hands to ask questions during the opening ceremony

  • A company representative delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the "Legend Enterprising Class" in Duyun No. 2 Middle School

  • Company representatives attended the opening ceremony of the "Legend Enterprising Class" in Huining No. 2 Middle School

  • The opening ceremony of the "Legend Enterprising Class" of Liupanshan Senior High School

  • Student profile of "Legend Enterprising Class" in Liupanshan Senior High School

  • Mr. Ning Min encouraged students in the cloud opening ceremony

  • Mr. Liu Chuanzhi held a discussion with students at Peking University

  • "Legend Enterprising Class" dream trip to the Weiming Lake of Peking University

  • Mr. Liu Chuanzhi had dialogues with representatives from the "Legend Enterprising Class" University Student Association

  • Representatives of teachers and students from "Legend Enterprising Class" visited Legend Holdings

  • Active interactions with experts during empowering training events

  • "Legend Enterprising Class" dream trip to Shaoxing, the former residence of Mr. Lu Xun

  • "Legend Enterprising Class" dream trip to the National Museum of China

  • Visit to Lenovo Group

  • Visit to Lenovo Group, experiencing the power of cutting-edge technology

  • "Legend Enterprising Class" dream trip to Tiananmen Square

  • World boxing champion Mr. Zou Shiming was invited to share the spirit of "enterprising"

  • The children were very excited to see the foreign teachers

  • Get a closer look at the lives of students

  • Bring rich "nourishment for the mind" to students

  • Participate in students’ development activities

  • Pairs of eyes longing for knowledge

  • Mr. Liu Chuanzhi had a free talk with graduates of "Legend Enterprising Class" in Beijing

——Industrial Assistance——

Legend-Revolving Loans for Mothers

In 2018, Legend Holdings cooperated with the China Women's Development Foundation (CWDF) to provide rural entrepreneurial women with small loans and household poverty alleviation financial support through the " Legend-Revolving Loans for Mothers" public welfare project. So far, it has successively assisted women from low-income families in Shuangjiang County in Yunnan Province, Pengshui County in Chongqing City, and Yushu City in Jilin Province to carry out local characteristic entrepreneurial projects, jointly promoting the local industrial development path towards quality agriculture, green agriculture, and efficiency priority.

The cooperation between Legend Holdings and CWDF began in 2004. Since then, Legend Holdings has donated a total of RMB31.4 million, including RMB6.43 million of rolling implementation funds to support the “Legend-Revolving Loans for Mothers” project. More than 400 women and families have directly benefited, driving an increase in the income of farmers by RMB13.00 million.

  • The company representatives learned about the project progress on the spot

  • Rural entrepreneurial women in Lincang, Yunnan

  • Toiling in rice fields

  • Harvest season

  • Visit to the Women’s Straw Weaving Cooperative in Yushu City, Jilin Province

  • Skills training to better help rural women start their own businesses

  • The PIC of the Women's Straw Weaving Cooperative in Yushu Jilin conducted e-commerce training

  • "Weaving" happiness with corn leaves

  • Entrepreneurial women were busy weaving

  • Happy smiling faces

  • Teaching straw weaving skills through live broadcast to encourage more people to start their own businesses

  • A post-90s mother running the straw weaving business at home

  • Entrepreneurial women in Dahuangtian Village exchanging dragon fruit planting experiences

  • Dragon fruit growing well

Scientific and Technological Innovation

CEO Training Program of Legend Star

The CEO Training Program of Legend Star was launched in 2008. It aims to provide free public welfare training, integrate multiple resources, share experience in entrepreneurship, management and investment, and assist start-ups to connect resources with venture capital institutions, so as to promote the rapid development of themselves.

Since its establishment, Legend Holdings has invested tens of millions of yuan in training every year, and has admitted a total of 1,364 innovative and entrepreneurial talents. Currently, 61 companies founded by our trainees have been listed on the market, and 185 have been selected as state-level SFPI enterprises, creating nearly 400,000 jobs. An entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem with important influence in the country has been formed. And we are committed to promoting China's high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, facilitating the transformation of technological achievements, entrepreneurship and innovation, and making more "Legend Contributions".

  • The 15th batch of students officially graduated

  • Star Friends joined the "Start-ups Alliance" board of directors after graduation

  • A group photo of Mr. Ning Min and representatives of graduating students

  • Mr. Ning Min encouraged entrepreneurs at the opening ceremony

  • Students of the 15th batch discussing together during class

  • Students of the 14th batch studying together

  • Students of the 13th batch holding a graduation anniversary party

  • Mr. Liu Chuanzhi attended the opening ceremony

  • Mr. Liu Chuanzhi giving lessons to students

  • Mr. Liu Chuanzhi and Mr. Ning Min jointly attended the opening ceremony

  • Opening ceremony on site

  • "Entrepreneurial Journey to the Gobi" challenge

  • Group study discussion

  • Junior and senior students handing over the flag of the training program

  • Students sharing the joys and sorrows of starting a business

  • Braving the wind and the waves together

  • Visiting famous companies together

  • Searching for answers to questions together

  • Visiting Star Friends’ companies and learning from senior students

  • Mr. Liu Chuanzhi presented awards to students

  • Group photo of students graduating from the CEO Training Program of Legend Star

  • Group photo at the opening of the 10th batch

  • In 2008, Mr. LU Yongxiang, then president of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Mr. Liu Chuanzhi, then president of Legend Holdings, attending the opening ceremony of the "Legend College of Chinese Academy of Sciences" together

Legend Holdings Scientific and Innovative Talents Fund

In December 2022, Legend Holdings announced the donation of RMB60 million to the Education Foundation of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences to establish the "Legend Holdings Scientific and Innovative Talents Fund ". This fund focuses on high-level talents in the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences/Chinese Academy of Sciences system (i.e., high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, high-level free exploration, and high-level innovative talents training). Through professional management operations, it provides targeted support, jointly promotes the spirit of scientists and "two bombs and one satellite", and contribute to the self-reliance in science and technology and the growth of a team of leading talents.

Promoting Righteousness

Legend Beijing Special Foundation for Heroes, Models and Justice-upholders

“Legend Beijing Special Foundation for Heroes, Models and Justice-upholders” is a public charity fund jointly initiated and established by Legend Holdings and founder Mr. Liu Chuanzhi in 2004. It aims to help and rescue heroes, models and justice-upholders along with their families in Beijing, to promote social righteousness. So far, the program has rewarded and funded more than 3,400 people.

Moistening Action

"Moistening Action" was launched in 2013 and was established by Legend Holdings Foundation. By paying attention to and supporting ordinary people or their families who do good deeds in society, the foundation provides certain rewards or assistance, so that the good people can feel the true feelings and warmth of society, promoting social righteousness and moistening social atmospheres.

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